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Pastors and Staff


The staff at Calvary Tucson believes that God has called us to serve Him as humble servants, unified in His Spirit. It is our prayer that we would always be aware that anything we do is thanks to the power and gifts God has given to benefit His body of believers. We are here to serve you in His joy and to His glory!

Please feel free to contact us during normal church office hours 9am-5pm, Monday through Thursday at 520-573-9933.

Robert Furrow
Robert Furrow
Head Pastor
Robert is committed to the study of the Word and maintaining a close walk with God as he serves and shepherds the Calvary Tucson church.
Troy Stokoe
Troy Stokoe
Associate Pastor
Troy is a native Tucsonan and currently serves as Pastor at Calvary Tucson where he has administrative oversight of church staff, accounting, and counseling through various ministries.